A quick update: I’ve shut the GFM campaign down and will take any further deposits via paypal. GFM has a nice CSV export feature that has allowed me to import all of your deposits into a spreadsheet which I’ll merge into my order management spreadsheet. Once the dust settles I’ll be contacting everyone confirming their deposit regardless of method, and hopefully a fairly accurate ETA. For those that didn’t deposit you’ll be contacted with your ETA as well. Remember I kept the signup order regardless of who deposited through the first wave of signups and I’ll keep it that way as I didn’t require the deposit up front initially and won’t go back on my word. Going forward deposits will be required. I’ve got 4 more spots I’ll fill right now, and won’t take any more after that until I can more accurately predict ETA’s. Production on my new machine should begin next week after spending a couple days getting it setup. Thanks to everyone who deposited for the up front support — I didn’t reach my 15K goal, but I am over half way there and close enough to have moved forward and invest in the equipment I need to do this right. Production speed will greatly improve and it will pay off for everyone. I’m looking forward to everyone’s build, working with creative materials and material combinations, and making this product a huge success!
By the way, for those of you considering exotic materials — here’s what you need to know when shopping. These are minimum material sizes I need:
All need a thickness of .125″-.160″
Frame: 1.25″x2.5″
Weights(x4): 1.0″x1.0″
Button sides(x2): 1.0″x1.0″
Most Knife handle materials are available in 1.5″x6″ pieces in the needed thickness. Early on in the design process I decided to ensure the Torqbar would be made from material within these dimensions in order to ensure maximum variety of the coolest materials available 🙂